
girl braces smile picture
Bridging The Gap How we perceive our smile and appearance affects our self-esteem, our mood and how we function in social as well as work settings. And, since most people aren’t tough, hardened boxers or hockey players, missing teeth don’t serve as a badge of honor. Rather, it’s source of insecurity and embarrassment. In fact, many people have spaces, or gaps, in their teeth. READ MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC . .   Lemon Juice May
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Smart Snack: Brought To You By Apples Getting kids to eat fruit, veggies and yogurt instead of candy, chips and ice cream might feel like pulling teeth. However, it’s worth the extra effort to educate and condition them to eat “smart” snacks that keep their teeth – and entire body – healthy. Whether you’re transitioning older kids to a healthier, balanced diet or just getting started with a little one, here are some tips for
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No Need To Get All Choked Up A sensitive gag reflex acts as a source concern and embarrassment for many people. Yet, it’s often beyond an individual’s ability to control. Children are especially affected because, when kids are sick and need to take medications or swallow pills, adults may not fully understand the physical challenge. Children need many years of dental visits – especially if they require orthodontics (braces) – so a sensitive gag reflex
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Good Oral Health Elevates Overall Health In the last decade, scientists and researchers discovered that the mouth and its health (or lack of) weigh heavily on overall health. Any type of infection, such as periodontal (gum) disease or dental abscesses, can affect many areas of the body and impact negatively upon our general health. In fact, periodontal disease is connected with coronary artery disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pre-term, low birth
Gum Health, Newsletters, Oral Hygene, Teeth Health
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Snoring Sounds an Alarm Quality sleep is necessary for optimal daytime functioning. Insufficient or poor sleep quality has been linked to diabetes, hypertension, driving accidents, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) and even premature death. Research shows that approximately 87 million Americans snore and over 40 million of those are chronic suffers of sleep disorders. However, approximately only 10% of sleep disorders are diagnosed. READ MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC . .   We Wouldn’t Pull Your Leg
Newsletters, Oral Hygene